Your Friend, The Breath

A special series offered exclusively at Yoga Chikitsa in Richardson

Tuesdays 10:30 am - 11:30 am

October 22 - December 17 (8 weeks, no session week of Thanksgiving)

Pricing: $120 for 8 weeks, includes all class scripts to reinforce home practice


For any missed session, the participant will receive a practice session sheet to utilize for home practice. The participant may also schedule 10 minutes of one-on-one time for each missed session (by phone or video call). In certain situations, missed session time may accumulate but not past 1 hour. Any additional one-on-one time beyond the complimentary minutes will be priced at $22.50 per 15 minutes.


Register & pay:



Partial payment plans are available! Just ask. Call 214-476-9787 and leave a message with your request.

"Your Friend, The Breath" Series - What is it?

  • Learn how to move your body in complete coordination with your breath; this is called "breath-centric movement". You'll discover that this method cultivates a level of focus and attention that is not often taught in most styles of yoga.
  • Through this orientation around the breath you will help your body reduce areas of constant gripping and gain insight on areas needing to gain tonicity. Your breath will be your friend, guide and teacher in this personal development process.
  • You will explore how to work with your structure, your energy, your mind and your breath. You'll learn how simple and uncomplicated yoga postures actually can teach you about the breath. You'll also experience how certain breath ratios help you manage your energy.





"I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart: I am, I am , I am."

- Sylvia Plath

Class by class progression:


Part 1 - The Relationship between The Breath and Your Spine

Week 1

Learn anatomical links associated with inhale and exhale through the help of forward bending postures


Week 2

Learn anatomical links associated with inhale and exhale through the help of backbending postures


Week 3

Learn anatomical links associated with inhale and exhale through the help of twisting postures


Week 4

Learn anatomical links associated with inhale and exhale through the help of lateral bending postures


Part 2 - The Relationship between The Breath and Your Energy

Week 5

Learn how to develop inhalation through the help of postures and alterations with the components of the breath


Week 6

Learn how to develop exhalation through the help of postures and alterations with the components of the breath


Week 7

Learn how to increase energy with a brhmana (nourishing, building) ratio breathing practice; postures and breath adaptation will be used as preparation


Week 8

Learn how to balance energy with a samana (balancing, equalizing) ratio breathing practice; postures and breath adaptation will be used as preparation

Hosted by Yoga Chikitsa located at 328 W Campbell Rd, Richardson 75080


Questions? Call Sandi at 214-476-9787.

Leave your name, number and voicemail -- your call will be returned!