Mission: To help others develop a partnership with the breath to anchor body, mind and spirit amidst life's challenges.
Our aquatic group training and educational wing is known as Dallas Aqua Yoga. Visit www.dallasaquayoga.com to learn more.
Sandi Tindal has been interested in the nuances of how people move all her life. She has invested much of her ongoing studies in human biomechanics and comes from a noteworthy career of engineering. Teaching clients the relationship the breath has with the spine is central to her work; from this foundation each individual can ultimately learn how to change and improve their own structure to support their daily activities and interests. Maintaining orientation around the breath also facilitates addressing concerns in other dimensions of a person’s being such as energy level and mental-emotional health. Sandi is enthusiastic about helping others explore the mind-body connection and enjoys seeing her clients gain greater self-understanding through their breath and movement consultations. She finds the insight that surfaces motivates them in navigating life's challenges and propels them towards their own personal growth and transformation.
In addition to what is noted below, please see my Credentials and Experience page for further detail.
When I'm not teaching yoga, I'm taking care of my husband and two kids. They keep me quite busy and can be a little annoying at times but I have to say we have a blast being a family. We're nerdy, geeky and like to watch movies from the Marvel comic world. Star Lord is my favorite Marvel hero (or should I say Chris Pratt is one of my favorite actors). We are also big fans of Good Mythical Morning - "Let's talk about that!" We own a dog who despite looking like a cross between black lab and greyhound is really a wild combination of Australian Cattle Dog, Great Pyrenees and Lab. He's very sweet to our dwarf rabbit Hela and our cockatiel Kubo.
When I'm able to sneak in a moment for myself, I'm working out a tune on the guitar, bass guitar, violin or piano. I am honestly a mess and can't figure out which instrument to focus on. I love both rocking out to Muse and enjoying a melancholic moment listening to Henryk Gorecki's symphonies. I am an iambic pentameter junkie. I have to say, the Shakespeare Star Wars series is actually quite good - I recommend them. I hope that Shakespeare Dallas performs these live some day.
If you're out at a park don't be surprised if you see me sitting up on a limb in a tree. Tree climbing is one of those fun, rare and not very practical skills I acquired. However, I'm told this may come in handy during a zombie apocalypse.
Yoga Sutra 1.23
Isvara Pranidhana
Luke 10:27
I have selected the Viniyoga lineage to further my training as a yoga teacher. My aspiration is to continue on the path of yoga therapy with certification offered through the American Viniyoga Institute. In yoga therapy, yoga techniques and practices are adapted to help the individual manage their particular health condition. You can learn more about the Viniyoga tradition here.